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Books by Jon Wallace

Jon Wallace is an author based in London, England. He has been a barman, postman, till jockey, actor, help-liner, pollster and charity comms bloke. His hobbies include walking pooches and listening to his wife sing her way around the flat.

His debut novel, 'Barricade', is out now from Gollancz - Part 1 in the Kenstibec Trilogy.
Part 2, 'Steeple', is out now from Gollancz - Part 2 in the Kenstibec Trilogy.
Part 3, 'Rig'. is out in 2016.

Barricade By Jon Wallace
Barricadeby Jon Wallace
Very Good
Steeple By Jon Wallace
Steepleby Jon Wallace
Very Good
Rig By Jon Wallace
Rigby Jon Wallace
Very Good
Steeple By Jon Wallace
Steepleby Jon Wallace
Very Good
Barricade By Jon Wallace
Barricadeby Jon Wallace