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Books by Deborah Gilboa

Deborah Gilboa, MD, aka "Doctor G" is an industry leading parenting expert, Family Physician, international speaker, author, and media expert. She developed the "3 R's of Parenting" to empower parents to raise respectful, responsible, and resilient kids.

Doctor G is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and a frequent guest expert on CBS, ABC, and WQED. She contributes to Huffington Post Parents, Your Teen magazine, Parents magazine and Recognitions include Pittsburgh Magazine's "40 Under 40", the Bristol Meyers Squibb Award for Clinical Excellence, and The Excellence in Teaching Award.

Her popular, user-friendly parenting advice books, Teach Resilience: Raising Kids Who Can Launch!, Teach Responsibility: Empower Kids with a Great Work Ethic, and Teach Respect: That's My Kid! are designed for today's busy parents with age specific tips and ideas for building character in kids.