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Introduction to Systems Ecology Sven Erik Jorgensen (Copenhagen University, Denmark)

Introduction to Systems Ecology By Sven  Erik Jorgensen (Copenhagen University, Denmark)

Introduction to Systems Ecology by Sven Erik Jorgensen (Copenhagen University, Denmark)

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Introduction to Systems Ecology Summary

Introduction to Systems Ecology by Sven Erik Jorgensen (Copenhagen University, Denmark)

Possibly the first textbook to present a practically applicable ecosystems theory, Introduction to Systems Ecology helps readers understand how ecosystems work and how they react to disturbances. It demonstrates-with many examples and illustrations-how to apply the theory to explain observations and to make quantitative calculations and predictions.

In this book, Sven Erik Jorgensen takes a first step toward integrating thermodynamics, biochemistry, hierarchical organization, and network theory into a holistic theory of systems ecology. The first part of the book covers the laws of thermodynamics and the basic biochemistry of living organisms, as well as the constraints they impose on ecosystems. To grow and develop, however, ecosystems have to evade these thermodynamic and biochemical constraints, so the second part of the book discusses the seven basic properties that enable ecosystems to grow, develop, and survive:

  • They are open systems, far from thermodynamic equilibrium.
  • They are organized hierarchically.
  • They have a high diversity.
  • They have high buffer capacities toward changes.
  • Their components are organized in cooperative networks, which allows for sophisticated feedback, regulation mechanisms, and higher efficiencies.
  • They contain an enormous amount of information embodied in genomes.
  • They have emerging system properties.

This timely textbook also looks at how systems ecology is applied in integrated environmental management, particularly in ecological modeling and engineering and in the assessment of ecosystem health using ecological indicators. Acknowledging that there is still much room for improvement, it will inspire ecologists to develop a stronger and more widely applicable ecosystem theory.

Introduction to Systems Ecology Reviews

"... the first work that is devoted to the presentation of a practically applicable ecosystems theory. It integrates four aspects of systems ecology, namely, thermodynamics, biochemistry, hierarchical organization and network theory, all of which are illustrated by many examples and exercises to help students better understand the topics."
-MAMMALIA, September 2013

About Sven Erik Jorgensen (Copenhagen University, Denmark)

Dr. Sven Erik Jorgensen is a professor of environmental chemistry at Copenhagen University. He received a doctorate of engineering in environmental technology and a doctorate of science in ecological modeling. He is an honorable doctor of science at Coimbra University, Portugal, and at Dar es Salaam University, Tanzania. He was editor in chief of Ecological Modelling from the journal's inception in 1975 to 2009. He has also been the editor in chief of the Encyclopedia of Ecology. In 2004 Dr. Jorgensen was awarded the prestigious Stockholm Water Prize and the Prigogine Prize. He was awarded the Einstein Professorship by the Chinese Academy of Science in 2005. In 2007 he received the Pascal medal and was elected a member of the European Academy of Science. He has written close to 350 papers, most of which have been published in international peer-reviewed journals. He has edited or written 64 books. Dr. Jorgensen has given lectures and courses in ecological modeling, ecosystem theory, and ecological engineering worldwide.

Table of Contents

System Ecology: An Ecological Discipline
What Is Systems Ecology?
The Holistic Approach
Outline of the Book


Conservation of Energy and Matter
The Conservation Laws
Other Thermodynamic Functions
Liebig's Law of Minimum
Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification
Cycling in Ecosystems and in the Ecosphere
Energy Flows in Ecosystems

Ecosystems: Growth and Development
The Maximum Power Principle
Embodied Energy/Emergy
Ecosystem as a Biochemical Reactor
Technological and Ecological Interpretation of the Thermodynamic
Concept Exergy
Eco-Exergy and Information

Irreversibility and Order: The Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics
Open Systems
Physical Openness
Ontic Openness
The Second Law of Thermodynamics Interpreted for Ecosystems
The Third Law of Thermodynamics Applied on Open Systems
Dissipative Structure and Eco-Exergy
How to Calculate Exergy of Organic Matter and Organisms
Why Have Living Systems Such a High Level of Exergy?

The Biochemistry of Ecosystems
A General Biochemistry for Living Systems
The First Steps of the Evolution toward a Biochemistry
The Prokaryote Cells
The Eukaryote Cells
The Temperature Range Needed for Life Processes
Natural Conditions for Life
Ecological Stoichiometry

The Thermodynamic Interpretation of Ecosystem Growth and Development
The Ecosystem Development Described by a Thermodynamic Interpretation of the Three Growth Forms
Seasonal Changes
New Ecosystems

The Ecological Law of Thermodynamics
Introduction: Darwin's Theory
The Ecological Law of Thermodynamics (ELT)
Some Basic Ecological Observations (Rules) That Can Be Explained by ELT
Structurally Dynamic Models (SDMs)
The Compliance between ELT and Evolutionary Theories


Ecosystems Are Open Systems
Why Must Ecosystems Be Open?
The Allometric Principles and Quantification of Openness

Ecosystems Have a Hierarchical Organization
The Hierarchical Organization
Interactions between the Hierarchical Levels
The Variations and the Hierarchical Organization
The Frequency of Disturbances
Ontic Openness and the Hierarchy Theory

Ecosystems Have a High Diversity
The Wide Spectrum of Forcing Functions
The Molecular Differentiation in Biochemistry
The Genetic Differentiation
The Diversity of Cells
The Diversity of Organs
Diversity among Individuals
Species Diversity
Differentiation of Communities and Ecological Networks
Diversity of Ecosystems
The Advantages of a High Biodiversity
Diversity and Extreme Environment

Ecosystems Have a High Buffer Capacity
Introduction: Stability Concepts
The Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH)
Hysteresis and Buffer Capacities
Chaos, Disturbances, and Buffer Capacities

The Components of Ecosystems Form Ecological Networks
Ecological Networks Increase Utilization Efficiency of Matter and Energy
Cardinal Hypotheses about the Properties of Networks
Network Analyses
Network Selection by Ecosystems

Ecosystems Have a Very High Content of Information
The Information Embodied in the Genes
The Ascendency
Information Embodied in the Networks and Horizontal Evolution
Life Is Information

Ecosystems Have Emerging Holistic System Properties
Additional Properties of Ecosystems

Application of System Ecology in Ecological Subdisciplines and Environmental Management
Integrated Ecological and Environmental Management Should Be Based on a Profound Knowledge to System Ecology
The Application of Systems Ecology to Explain Ecological Observations and Rules
Application of Systems Ecology to Explain the Principles Applied in Ecological Engineering
Application of Systems Ecology to Assess Ecosystem Health


Chapters include a summary of important points and exercises or problems.

Additional information

Introduction to Systems Ecology by Sven Erik Jorgensen (Copenhagen University, Denmark)
Taylor & Francis Inc
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