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Education Revolution Sam Shain

Education Revolution By Sam Shain

Education Revolution by Sam Shain

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If the revolution will not be televised, bring it to the classroom

Education Revolution Summary

Education Revolution: Media Literacy For Political Awareness by Sam Shain

A plea for public education nationwide to teach media literacy, and specifically from the left of the political spectrum. Within, the author discusses his journalism curriculum, which includes lessons in media literacy, critical thinking, bias, the political spectrum, economics, current events, and more. Additionally, he makes the case that politics belong in the classroom as a mechanism to push back on the looming realities of late-stage capitalism and right-wing disinformation; a highly necessary argument given how teaching these sorts of matters in public schools can be met with angst by parents, administrations, school boards, etc. It's time for people to take back power, information, and education.

About Sam Shain

Sam Shain is a musician, artist, writer, former journalist and current English teacher at Maine Arts Academy with a an earnest and relentless desire to make the world a better place. He lives in Hallowell, Maine.

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Education Revolution: Media Literacy For Political Awareness by Sam Shain
John Hunt Publishing
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