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Phonological Disorders in Children Mehmet S. Yavas

Phonological Disorders in Children By Mehmet S. Yavas

Phonological Disorders in Children by Mehmet S. Yavas


One aspect of the application of linguistic theory to the study of speech and language disorders had opened up a new field, clinical linguistics. This book, first published in 1991, brings together the concerns of the linguist and the speech pathologist.

Phonological Disorders in Children Summary

Phonological Disorders in Children: Theory, Research and Practice by Mehmet S. Yavas

Originally published in 1991, the recent developments in the study of phonological disorders in children had led to a fruitful interaction between speech pathology and phonology. It is one aspect of the application of linguistic theory to the study of speech and language disorders which had opened up a new field, clinical linguistics. This book brings together the concerns of the linguist and the speech pathologist; the essays chosen share the quality of not discussing theory or therapy without addressing the implications one has for the other. By concentrating on recent work the editor hoped to stimulate further discussion in this important and fast growing area of research.

About Mehmet S. Yavas

Mehmet S. Yavas

Table of Contents

Notes on Contributors. Preface. Introduction Mehmet S. Yavas 1. Theories of Phonological Development and their Implications for Phonological Disorders Carol Stoel-Gammon 2. Developmental Phonological Disorders from a Clinical-Linguistic Perspective Pamela Grunwell 3. Interactions Among Language Components in Phonological Development and Disorders Richard G. Schwartz 4. Metalinguistic Awareness in Phonologically Disordered Children Eva Magnusson 5. Functional Considerations in Phonological Assessment of Child Speech Eeva Leinonen 6. Facilitating Intelligibility: Assessment, Therapy and Consideration Across Languages Barbara Williams Hodson 7. Input Training in Phonological Disorder: A Case Discussion Susanna Evershed Martin. Index.

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Phonological Disorders in Children: Theory, Research and Practice by Mehmet S. Yavas
Taylor & Francis Ltd
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