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Aftermath Leonard V. Kaplan

Aftermath By Leonard V. Kaplan

Aftermath by Leonard V. Kaplan

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This text takes a multi-disciplinary approach to analyze the Clinton impeachment from political perspectives across the spectrum. The authors attempt to tease out the meaning of the scandal from the vantage point of law, religion, public opinion, and politics, both public and personal.

Aftermath Summary

Aftermath: The Clinton Impeachment and the Presidency in the Age of Political Spectacle by Leonard V. Kaplan

With the specter of prosecution after his term is over and the possibility of disbarment in Arkansas hanging over President Clinton, the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal and the events that have followed it show no sign of abating. The question has become what to do, and how to think, about those eight months. Did the President lie or was it plausible that he had truthfully testified to no sexual relationship? Was the job search for Monica just help for a friend or a sinister means of obtaining silence? Even if all the charges were true, did impeachment follow or was censure enough? And what are the lasting repercussions on the office of the Presidency?
Aftermath: The Clinton Impeachment and the Presidency in the Age of Political Spectacle takes a multi-disciplinary approach to analyze the Clinton impeachment from political perspectives across the spectrum. The authors attempt to tease out the meanings of the scandal from the vantage point of law, religion, public opinion, and politics, both public and personal. Further, the impeachment itself is situated broadly within the contemporary American liberal state and mined for the contradictory possibilities for reconciliation it reveals in our culture.
Contributors: David T. Canon, John Cooper, Drucilla Cornell, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Robert W. Gordon, Lawrence Joseph, Leonard V. Kaplan, David Kennedy, Kenneth R. Mayer, Beverly I. Moran, Father Richard John Neuhaus, David Novak, Linda Denise Oakley, Elizabeth Rapaport, Lawrence Rosen, Eric Rothstein, Aviam Soifer, Lawrence M. Solan, Cass R. Sunstein, Stephen Toulmin, Leon Trakman, Frank Tuerkheimer, Mark V. Tushnet, Andrew D. Weiner, Robin L. West.

Aftermath Reviews

History will be forever haunted by the 20th century's last, longest, legalistic right-wing coup attempt against a popular president. Limited to sleazy sex, political and policy differences were downplayed. The important, splendid, controversial essays collected in Aftermath provide learned context for this defining, though bizarre moment in American history and culture. Everyone interested in the individual and the law, politics and the future will want to read this book. -- Blanche Wiesen Cook,author of Eleanor Roosevelt
The first serious collection of academic reflections about the scandal, the essays in Aftermath offer citizens, students, lawyers, and historians fresh insights about American law and liberalism, about culture wars and family values, and about the politics of scandal in the late twentieth century. -- Martha Minow,author of Between Vengeance and Forgiveness: Facing History After Genocide and Mass Violence

About Leonard V. Kaplan

Leonard V. Kaplan (Author)
Leonard V. Kaplan is Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Law has co-edited six books, and has written over thirty articles. He was a co-founder and co-editor-in-chief of a journal, Graven Images: Studies in Culture, Law and the Sacred.
Beverly Moran (Editor)
Beverly Moran is the Voss-Bascom Professor of Law at the University of Wisconsin Law School, and Director of the Wisconsin Center on Law and Africa and the editor of Race and Wealth Disparities: A Multidisciplinary Discourse (Rowman and Littlefield, 2008) and editor of Aftermath: The Clinton Impeachment and the Presidency in the Age of Political Spectacle (NYU Press, 2001).

Additional information

Aftermath: The Clinton Impeachment and the Presidency in the Age of Political Spectacle by Leonard V. Kaplan
New York University Press
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