June 14
This prettily presented, clearly laid-out how-to guide on Celtic Calligraphy by Kerry Richardson serves as a non-intimidating introduction to those interested in developing the craft. Celtic calligraphy crosses the boundaries between art, tradition and craft and, with instruction on how to draw letterforms derived from original Celtic manuscripts like The Book of Kells, as well as step-by-step explanations of knotwork borders and motifs plus illumination, this book shows you how to transform your usual scribbles into art works worthy of the mediaeval Celtic scribes. Starting with all the materials you'll need and basic calligraphy techniques, the book moves on to the development of skills with design elements, exercises, clear instruction on lettering, using colour, knotwork illustration and illumination, with examples of Celtic art to inspire you along the way. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced calligrapher, there's plenty to plunder in here, particularly about Celtic influences and the way lettering can be enhanced with stylised knotwork illustration and illumination. Traditional letterforms can be transformed with an intertwining of colour, art and design. Stylised letterforms are ornament in themselves, but enhanced with knotwork, Celtic swirls and patterns, illumination, colour and design, Celtic calligraphy becomes an exciting art form, one that should you choose to can be used in fantasy art, book illustration, crafting, written work and even tattoo design. Celtic artist Kerry Richardson
specialises in Celtic knotworks. Her work has been exhibited nationally and her hope is to bring this artistic style back to the forefront of fashion.
* Irish World, The *
January 2015
A frosty January is the ideal time to take on a new craft. Celtic Calligraphy is a thrifty candidate, since little more is needed than paper, pencil, and a selection of calligraphy felt-tips. But it is the fascinating nature of the craft that is the main attraction.
I was charmed by Kerry Richardson's Celtic Calligraphy book - it is like an evening class - or a wonderful workshop weekend. Clearly a labour of love, this book packs lots and lots of attractively-presented info within its 96 pages. The author's voice is friendly and conversational. She is sharing the secrets of her beloved artform.
Not only (knot only!) do you learn how to write the beautiful Celtic uncial letterforms, controlling the pen to create thick-and-thin lines, but you also learn how to draw continous braidwork borders, and decorative floral motifs - and put them all together to make an illuminated artwork: words and pictures.
This is only a small extract of the review, to see the full review visit The Paper Craft Post blog: http://thepapercraftpost.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/celtic-calligraphy-by-kerry-richardson.html
* thepapercraftpost.blogspot.co.uk *
Okay. Purse designed. How to decorate it? I was browsing through Kerry Richardson's excellent book, Celtic Calligraphy
(reviewed here earlier in the year) - and I thought I'd have a go at designing Celtic knots (digital style, that is). I worked out a hearts entwined motif and a twisted border - the learning curve wasn't too steep. Will have another go soon.
* The Papercraft Post Blog *