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Let's Draw a Cock on It John Thomas

Let's Draw a Cock on It By John Thomas

Let's Draw a Cock on It by John Thomas

New RRP £7.99
Condition - Very Good
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Maybe it's to see if you could get away with it; maybe it's because the situation is crying out for it; or maybe it's just because it's pretty funny. There are loads of reasons to draw a cock on it. With creative and witty visual pokes, this book begs you to cock-a-doodle on billboards, slogans and real-life scenarios.

Let's Draw a Cock on It Summary

Let's Draw a Cock on It by John Thomas

Maybe it's just to see if you could get away with it; maybe it's because the situation is crying out for it; or maybe it's just because it's pretty damn funny ...There are loads of reasons to draw a cock on it, whether 'it' is a poster of a sexy lady, a whiteboard in a meeting, or a sign advertising bananas. With creative and witty visual pokes, and containing more situations than you ever dreamed possible, this book begs you to spot the balls in real-life scenarios, as well as cock-a-doodle on billboards, slogans and well-known works of art. If you've ever wondered what your boss would look like with a penis on his head, or if you tend to see the sausage in every spectacle, this book has the complete package.

Let's Draw a Cock on It Reviews

Lets you indulge your inner delinquent and draw knobs on a range of scenes The Bookseller

About John Thomas

John Thomas is an experienced freelance writer and editor, yet continues to indulge his puerile nature in his professional career. He lives with his long-suffering wife in Brighton.

Additional information

Let's Draw a Cock on It by John Thomas
Used - Very Good
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd
Book picture is for illustrative purposes only, actual binding, cover or edition may vary.
This is a used book - there is no escaping the fact it has been read by someone else and it will show signs of wear and previous use. Overall we expect it to be in very good condition, but if you are not entirely satisfied please get in touch with us

Customer Reviews - Let's Draw a Cock on It