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Stories and Songs for Bedtime Ian Beck

Stories and Songs for Bedtime By Ian Beck

Stories and Songs for Bedtime by Ian Beck

New RRP £12.99
Condition - Very Good
Only 1 left


Presenting a collection of stories and classic rhymes, this collection brings together five fairy tales. It contains stories and rhymes that serve as useful childhood reading - from Cinderella, to Beauty and the Beast, and The Emperor and the Nightingale.

Stories and Songs for Bedtime Summary

Stories and Songs for Bedtime by Ian Beck

This is a beautifully illustrated and lavishly produced collection of favourite stories and classic rhymes. Ian Beck's illustrations are known and loved throughout the world. This unmissable new story collection is destined to become a children's classic, and brings together five well-loved fairy tales, each beautifully illustrated in its own distinct period and style. This is a soothing selection of night-time poetry and verse complements the stories, to create the perfect book for bedtime. It is a wonderful new classic from a best-selling artist, whose book sales exceed one million copies. It contains stories and rhymes that are essential childhood reading - from Cinderella, to Beauty and the Beast, and The Emperor and the Nightingale. Perfect to share, this is a comforting and happy collection that takes the child reader into a vividly imagined and appealing fairytale world.

Additional information

Stories and Songs for Bedtime by Ian Beck
Used - Very Good
Oxford University Press
Book picture is for illustrative purposes only, actual binding, cover or edition may vary.
This is a used book - there is no escaping the fact it has been read by someone else and it will show signs of wear and previous use. Overall we expect it to be in very good condition, but if you are not entirely satisfied please get in touch with us

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