'This is an insightful, lively and up-to-date analysis of the mechanisms of power in Australia and New Zealand. Georgina Murray's investigation of the ruling class in these countries is a landmark study that no one can afford to ignore.' John Scott, University of Essex, UK 'This is a thorough analysis of the development and status of the ruling classes and their networks in Australia and New Zealand. The book is an important contribution to the international research literature within new economic sociology.' Sigmund GrAnmo, University of Bergen, Norway 'Georgina Murray has done us a great service with her carefully-researched mapping of top power-holders in Australia and New Zealand. As well as corporate elites and board interlocks, she studies business-financed think-tanks, and gives new insights into gender patterns at elite levels of power. This is an important study; its findings are deeply disturbing for democracy in Australia and New Zealand.'' Raewyn Connell, University of Sydney, Australia and author of Ruling Class Ruling Culture 'Georgina Murray has done some real investigating, including interviews with scores of company directors in Australia and New Zealand...This book gives us important new material to debate.' Socialist Alternative '...a wealth of data on companies, their directors, their earnings, their social networks and their attitudes...The result is a useful collage of analysis and information that will be a reference point for political economic researchers for years to come.' Journal of Australian Political Economy