Egypt's Sunken Treasures by Franck Goddio
In the shallow waters of Aboukir Bay off the coast of Egypt, the ruins of three ancient cities??????Alexandria, Heraklion, and Canopus??????lie along with valuable clues to the way their citizens lived and worshipped. The French underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio discovered these relics, which include statuary, jewelry, pediments, stone tablets, and fragments of buildings, all lost for nearly two thousand years. In addition to remarkable photographs of the excavation process, this illuminating volume connects the artifacts to the lives of Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, and Mark Anthony. It discusses the interactions among the three cities, between Egyptians and ancient Greeks, and the influences each civilization had on the other. An exciting volume for anyone interested in ancient history, this richly illustrated book is the most comprehensive examination to date on the excavation of the lost cities below Aboukir Bay.