Perspectives on Leisure: Toward a Quality Lifestyle by Ernest G Olson
Chapter 1
Perspectives on Leisure: The Profession Dedicated to Quality Living
This chapter sets the tone of the book. It discusses the importance of recreation and leisure from various perspectives. It looks at the contributions recreation and leisure make to the economy, to the individual, and to society in general.
Chapter 2
Perspectives on the Language and Constructs of Leisure
Ernest G. Olson and Hunter Merritt
In this chapter several important terms are introduced. They include: leisure, play, recreation, games, and work. This chapter is a survey of classical and contemporary definitions. It includes reference to Flow and EllisO Arousal Theory.
Chapter 3
Perspectives on the History of Recreation and Leisure
The thrust of this chapter is to demonstrate that recreation, play, and leisure have historical roots and an unbroken time line from prehistory. Topics covered in this chapter include: Origins of the play movement, social reforms influencing the recreation movement, early twentieth century, second decade of the 20th century, the decade after WWI, the Great Depression, recreation during and following WWII, the decades of the 50's and 60's, the decades of the 70's and 80's, the decade of the 90's to the present.
Chapter 4
Perspectives on the Role of Philosophy, Religion, and
Science in Leisure Services
This chapter makes a clear distinction between philosophy and science. It touches upon classical philosophies and encourages the student to create his/her own philosophy using the subsets of philosophical thinking. It also examines the nature of science and how science contributes to our understanding of leisure.
Chapter 5
Perspectives on Human Motivation for Leisure Activity
Ernest G. Olson with Lisa Jorgensen
This chapter tries to answer the question, OWhy do we choose the leisure activities that we choose, and what accounts for our level of involvement in such activities?O Motivation for leisure as viewed from a physiological perspective, a psychological perspective, as well as related points of view are examined.
Chapter 6
Perspectives on Human Development and Leisure
This chapter examines the epigenetic nature of human development and the role of leisure and its concomitants in physical, emotional, psychological, and social development.
Chapter 7
Perspectives on Work: Leisure or Drudgery
Ernest G. Olson with Katherine Martinez
This chapter explores the idea that work can be viewed from multiple perspectives. It also examines ways and means of selecting employment that can afford an individual with some of the benefits of leisure. The idea that leisure and work are not mutually exclusive ideas is also examined.
Chapter 8
Perspectives on Leisure Values and AttitudesNWhat Are Yours?
Jennifer Piatt
This chapter explores value clarification, value assessment, and the role of values in developing a leisure lifestyle.
Chapter 9
Perspectives on Wellness and Leisure
Jennifer Piatt and Arlene Krause
This chapter focuses on the importance of wellness in a leisure lifestyle; components of physical fitness; preserving the special senses; and diet and nutrition for a wellness and a leisure lifestyle.
Chapter 10
Perspectives on Stress
This chapter examines the nature of stress from physical, social, and mental perspectives and its deleterious impact on leisure; ways and means of coping with distress in a personOs life are explored; the special role that play and humor has in preventing stress is examined.
Chapter 11