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Museums, International Exhibitions and China's Cultural Diplomacy Da Kong

Museums, International Exhibitions and China's Cultural Diplomacy By Da Kong

Museums, International Exhibitions and China's Cultural Diplomacy by Da Kong

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Museums, International Exhibitions and Chinas Cultural Diplomacy examines the role museums and, more specifically, international exhibitions, have played in shaping Chinas international image to date.

Museums, International Exhibitions and China's Cultural Diplomacy Summary

Museums, International Exhibitions and China's Cultural Diplomacy by Da Kong

Museums, International Exhibitions and Chinas Cultural Diplomacy examines the role museums and, more specifically, international exhibitions, have played in shaping Chinas international image to date.

Drawing on theories and methods from museum studies and international relations, the book evaluates the contribution international exhibitions make to Chinas cultural diplomacy strategy. Considering their impact on the countrys international image, Kong also probes the mechanisms and processes involved, examining in detail the policy of, and international activities promoted by, the Chinese government. The book also analyses the motives of the Chinese and overseas museums that host these exhibitions. Taking some major exhibitions that were on show in the UK during the 21st century as a representative case study, the book reveals the mechanisms by which these exhibitions were developed and shared overseas. Questioning who really shapes the image of China, Kong challenges Western assumptions and looks ahead to consider whether, moving forward, the Chinese government and museums could work together in a mutually beneficial way.

Museums, International Exhibitions and Chinas Cultural Diplomacy contributes to the growing literature on museums and diplomacy. As such, it will be of interest to academics and students engaged in the study of museums and heritage, international relations, culture, politics, China and wider Asia.

About Da Kong

Da Kong is a Lecturer in Museum Studies at the Department of Cultural Heritage and Museology in Fudan University, Shanghai. Her research focuses on international exchanges between museums, looking particularly at Chinas exhibition exchanges, soft power, and cultural diplomacy. She is currently leading two municipal projects in Shanghai on this subject.

Table of Contents

Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Chinas Cultural Diplomacy in Image Building; 3. Museums and International Exhibitions as Instruments of Chinas Cultural Diplomacy; 4. International Exhibitions as Chinas Cultural Diplomacy Toward the UK; 5. International Exhibitions and the Image of China; 6. International Exhibitions and a Contemporary China; 7. Who Shapes the Image of China?; 8. Conclusion

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Museums, International Exhibitions and China's Cultural Diplomacy by Da Kong
Taylor & Francis Ltd
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