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Books by Tim Moorey

Tim Moorey has been solving Times crosswords for the past 50 years, having begun in his early teens. His setting career started at an equally early age, when he submitted puzzles to the Evening News, who offered two guineas for each successful puzzle. His business career, as a financial controller and director of several BP subsidiary companies, allowed little time for more setting until 1991 when Tim joined The Sunday Times team. He now sets crosswords for the Mephisto and Owzat puzzles in various newspapers. In addition, he was the joint winner in the Observer's monthly Azed clue-writing competitions for 2004/5. Tim also runs crossword workshops for beginners and, as the Cluru (the Clue Guru), provides help for puzzled puzzlers for the Crossword Club.

When not puzzling or solving crosswords, Tim Moorey is an after-dinner speaker. He has also umpired cricket matches for the MCC.