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Books by David A. Bender (Emeritus Professor, University College London, UK)
David A. Bender received his PhD from the University of London on the metabolism of aromatic amino acids. He retired from University College London (UCL) in 2011, with the title of emeritus professor, and continues to give a number of lectures on nutrition to medical and science students, both at UCL and at the University of Surrey. From 1994 until retirement, he was assistant faculty tutor to the medical students, and from 1998 he was subdean (education) and director of studies for the early years of the medical course at UCL. His research interests have been in the field of amino acid and vitamin nutritional biochemistry, and he was a member of the working group on vitamins that formed part of the expert committee that produced the 1991 report on Dietary Reference Values for Food Energy and Nutrients for the United Kingdom, the EU expert committee that produced the 1993 report on Nutrient and Energy Intakes for the European Community, and the Food Safety Authority of Ireland working party on Safe Micronutrient Levels.