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Mobility, Labour Migration and Border Controls in Asia A. Kaur

Mobility, Labour Migration and Border Controls in Asia By A. Kaur

Mobility, Labour Migration and Border Controls in Asia by A. Kaur

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One of the biggest challenges facing the Asia-Pacific region in the 21st century is the large scale cross-border movement of people. This book explores: sovereignty; security issues and border-management strategies of major states, in the face of intensified transnational economic and social processes; and the expanding global governance regime.

Mobility, Labour Migration and Border Controls in Asia Summary

Mobility, Labour Migration and Border Controls in Asia by A. Kaur

One of the biggest challenges facing the Asia-Pacific region in the 21st century is the large scale cross-border movement of people. This book explores: sovereignty; security issues and border-management strategies of major states, in the face of intensified transnational economic and social processes; and the expanding global governance regime.

Mobility, Labour Migration and Border Controls in Asia Reviews

'This is a rare and useful study, providing a wide range of insights, mainly focused on Asia, but offering no easy recipes for solutions.' - Sumaya Khair, South Asia Research

About A. Kaur

ROCHELLE E. BALL Lecturer, Australian Defence Force Academy, University of New South Wales, Australia PRADIP BHATNAGAR Civil Servant, Indian Government, India MELISSA BUTCHER Consultant and Researcher, Research Institute for Asia and the Pacific, University of Sydney, Australia CARUNIA MULYA FIRDAUSY Deputy Minister, Ministry of Research and Technology, Government of Indonesia, Indonesia MICHELE FORD Lecturer in Asian Studies, Flinders University, Australia SEEMA GAUR Economist, Indian Government, India GRAEME HUGO Professor and Federation Fellow, Department of Geographical and Environmental Studies and Director, National Centre for Social Applications of Geographic Information Systems, University of Adelaide, Australia KENNETH JACKSON Associate Professor of Development Studies and Director, Center for Development Studies, University of Auckland, New Zealand CHRIS MANNING Head, Indonesian Project and Associate Professor, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Australia TESSA MORRIS-SUZUKI Professor of Japanese Histotry, Australian National University, Australia NICOLA PIPER Senior Research Fellow, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore ISHRAT SHAMIM President, Centre for Women and Children's Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh DIANA WONG Associate Professor, Institute for Malaysian and International Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia P. WONGBOONSIN Associate Director and Senior Researcher, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Table of Contents

List of Tables List of Figures List of Maps List of Abbreviations Acknowledgements Preliminary Note Notes on the Contributors PART 1: DIVIDED WE MOVE: MIGRATION CHALLENGES IN ASIA Introduction; A.Kaur & I.Metcalfe Changing Border Control Regimes and their Impact on Migration in Asia; T.Morris-Suzuki Order (and Disorder) at the Borders: International Labour Migration and Border Controls in Southeast Asia; A.Kaur Coping with Cross-Border Labour Flows within Southeast Asia; C.Manning & P.Bhatnagar Women, Work and International Migration in Southeast Asia: Trends, Patterns and Policy; G.Hugo PART 2: CROSSING BORDERS: THE STATE, MIGRATION STRATEGIES AND TEMPORARY MIGRANT WORKER SCHEMES Trading Labour; Socioeconomic and Political Impacts and Dynamics of Labour Export from the Philippines, 1973 - 2004; R.E.Ball Indonesian Labour Migration after the 1997 - 98 Asian Economic and Financial Crisis; C.M.Firdausy The Feminisation of Migration: Gender, the State, and Migrant Strategies in Bangladesh; I.Shamim 'White Collar Filipinos': Australian Professional Workers in Singapore; M.Butcher Indian Professional Workers in Singapore; S.Gaur PART 3: MANAGING THE BORDER: GOVERNANCE OF RECRUITMENT, FACILITATION OF REMITTANCES AND MIGRANT WORKERS' RIGHTS The Recruitment of Foreign Labour in Malaysia: From Migration System to Guest Worker Regime; D.Wong After Nunukan: The Regulation of Indonesian Migration to Malaysia; M.Ford The State and Labour Migration Policies in Thailand; P.Wongboonsin The State and Facilitation of Financial Flows (Remittances) by Temporary Workers: The Case of Bangladesh; K.Jackson Regional Perspectives on the 1990 UN Convention on the Rights of All Migrant Workers; N.Piper Index

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Mobility, Labour Migration and Border Controls in Asia by A. Kaur
Palgrave Macmillan
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