Fundraising For a Community Project: How to Research Grants and Secure Financing for Local Groups and Projects in the UK by Simon Whaley
This book provides advice in plain language about what needs to be considered before completing an application form for funding; where to get support and further advice; how to calculate realistic costs and how to collect baseline data and provide the necessary documentary evidence to back up the statements in an application form.This book is an invaluable guide, for all grant applicants, including local community groups and those operating grant schemes, such as local authority officers or public/private partnerships.
Contents: Section 1 - Applying for funding; 1. You and your project; 2. Finding advice and information; 3. Looking for funding; 4. Application forms; 5. What an appraiser is looking for; 6. The appraisal process; 7. The decision; 8. Project implementation; 9. Claiming your grant money; 10. Project completion; Appendices; Index.