Pig's Digger by Simon Puttock
Hurray! It's Pig's Birthday! His granny has sent him a lovely big birthday present - a bright yellow digger! Pig is ever so excited and digs and digs all day long - he helps Cow to dig a swimming pool and he helps Dog to bury his bones. But soon there's nothing left for Pig to dig. What will he do? Pig goes to bed feeling rather sad. But in the middle of the night he wakes up - he just has to do some more digging!! The next morning, there is mayhem - everything is in a complete mess! Pig's friends have had enough. Pig, they say, that digger has got to go! Pig puts everything back where it belongs, but he knows that his friends are right. The digger brings out his wild side! He knows deep down that the digger will have to go, but what a terrible waste of a wonderful digger, he thinks. Then Pig has an idea. It's his cousin Hoggetty's birthday soon, so he'll send him a lovely big birthday present...