Introduction Part One 1789-1850: Industrialisation- Crisis and Struggle: 1. Economic and Political Background, 2. The Impact of the French Revolution, 3. Post War Radicalism 4. The Age of Chartism. Part Two 1850-1920: The Workshop of the World: 5. Economic and Political Background, 6. Trade Unions, Politics and Labour Aristocracy, 7. The Rise of a Mass Labour Movement, 8. Socialist Politics, 9.Labour, Shop Stewards Movement and the First World War. Part Three: Readjustment:10. Economic and Political Background 1920-1951 11. Labour Government and Unemployment 12. Trade Unions, the General Strike and the Aftermath 13. The Labour Movement, Fascism, Anti-Fascism and War 14. War and Peace 15. The Workers and the Labour Movement Forgotten; Conclusion.