M. Gail Hickey has gathered together a valuable resource in Reflecting on Service-Learning in Higher Education. The chapters provide a vast collection of best practices and important principles to consider when engaging students in academic service-learning. . . .Reflecting on Service-Learning in Higher Education is a resource that will be appreciated by high school and university faculty and administrators. The questions raised and the suggestions shared will be useful for any institution looking to begin or strengthen their commitment to service-learning in higher education. Institutions, faculty, students, and the communities with which they partner will all benefit from M. Gail Hickey's invitation to reflect. * Reflective Teaching *
Reflecting on Service-Learning in Higher Education is a readable edited collection that reflects on the state of academia and society in a compelling and proactive discussion. This book is social, constructivist, and critical while providing next step suggestions for teachers as well as community leaders. A new paradigm is upon us. -- Steven J. Madden, Coastal Carolina University
Hickey offers a valuable addition to the service-learning literature. Drawing on an array of disciplines, this edited collection serves to connect illustrative examples with service-learning concepts. Notably, it incorporates recent as well as foundational service-learning literature. This book will be particularly useful to those with an interest in immigrant populations. I recommend this book as a resource for readers looking to expand their service-learning 'toolbox.' -- Meryl Nadel, Iona College
This wide-ranging collection grounds scholar-practitioners in universal, best-practice approaches to service-learning, and engages in disciplinary stances that demonstrate the myriad ways in which we can do this sort of work across contexts. -- Jessica Restaino, Montclair State University