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Designing Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments Kinshuk (Athabasca University, Canada)

Designing Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments By Kinshuk (Athabasca University, Canada)

Designing Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments by Kinshuk (Athabasca University, Canada)

Designing Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments Summary

Designing Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments by Kinshuk (Athabasca University, Canada)

Designing Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments provides a theoretically-based yet practical guide to systematic design processes for learning environments that provide automatic customization of learning and instruction.

The book consists of four main sections: In "Introduction and Overview," the concepts of adaptivity and personalization are introduced and explored in detail. In "Theoretical Perspectives with Example Applications," various theoretical concepts underlying adaptive and personalized learning are discussed, including cognitive profiling, content-based adaptivity, exploration-based adaptivity, and mobile and ubiquitous settings. In "Practical Perspectives with Example Applications," the implementation process for adaptive and personalized learning environments is described, followed by application in various contexts. In "Validation and Future Trends," various evaluation techniques for validating the efficiency and efficacy of adaptive and personalized learning systems are discussed. This final section concludes with a discussion of emerging trends in adaptive and personalized learning research.

Based on cutting-edge research, Designing Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments is appropriate as a primary textbook for both undergraduate and graduate courses focused on the design of learning systems, and as a secondary textbook for a variety of courses in programs such as educational technology, instructional design, learning sciences, digital literacy, computer based systems, and STEM content fields.

Designing Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments Reviews

"Kinshuk takes the complex subjects of personalization and adaptive learning and makes them accessible to students of learning and educational technology. In so doing, he also introduces the reader to some of the dominant themes in the field over the last decade, from reusable learning objects to cognitive load theory to personal profiling. This book is a valuable starting point for any reader studying contemporary educational technology."

--Stephen Downes, Program Leader in Learning and Performance Support Systems at the National Research Council Canada

"The technologies of adaptivity and personalization have the potential to change learning environments and to provide students with individual supports fitting their unique characteristics. This book will help readers understand the general concepts, theoretical and practical applications, and future trends of adaptive and personalized learning environments."

--Ronghuai Huang, Professor and Co-Director at the Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, China

About Kinshuk (Athabasca University, Canada)

Kinshuk is Associate Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology and Full Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at Athabasca University, Canada. He also holds the NSERC/CNRL/Xerox/McGraw Hill Industrial Research Chair for Adaptivity and Personalization in Informatics. He is founding chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technologies, and founding editor of the Journal of Educational Technology and Society and the Smart Learning Environments journal.

Table of Contents


Section 1: Introduction and Overview

Chapter 1: Defining Adaptivity and Personalization

Chapter 2: Adaptivity and Personalization in Life-Long Learning

Chapter 3: Contexts

Section 2: Theoretical Perspectives with Example Applications

Chapter 4: Cognitive Profiling

Chapter 5: Content-Based Adaptivity and Personalization

Chapter 6: Adaptivity and Personalization in Exploration-Based Learning

Chapter 7: Adaptivity and Personalization in Mobile and Ubiquitous Settings

Section 3: Practical Perspectives with Example Applications

Chapter 8: Implementation Process of Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments

Chapter 9: Adaptivity and Personalization of Learning in Various Contexts

Chapter 10: Reusability in Adaptive and Personalized Learning

Section 4: Validation and Future Trends

Chapter 11: Evaluation of Adaptive and Personalized Systems

Chapter 12: Future Development and Research Issues


Additional information

Designing Adaptive and Personalized Learning Environments by Kinshuk (Athabasca University, Canada)
Used - Very Good
Taylor & Francis Ltd
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