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The New Institutional Economics of Corruption Johann Graf Lambsdorff

The New Institutional Economics of Corruption By Johann Graf Lambsdorff

The New Institutional Economics of Corruption by Johann Graf Lambsdorff

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This book constitutes a thorough analysis of the phenomenon of corruption, as seen from the perspective of New Institutional Economics - one of the most influential new schools of thought in the social sciences of the past decade.

The New Institutional Economics of Corruption Summary

The New Institutional Economics of Corruption by Johann Graf Lambsdorff

This book constitutes a thorough analysis of the phenomenon of corruption, as seen from the perspective of New Institutional Economics - one of the most influential new schools of thought in the social sciences of the past decade.

About Johann Graf Lambsdorff

Johann Graf Lambsdorff, Markus Taube, Matthias Schramm

Table of Contents

1.Introduction - Corrupt Contracting - Exploring the Analytical Capacity of New Institutional Economics and New Economic Sociology2. Corruption - Its Spread and Decline, Hartmut Schweitzer 3. Why Should One Trust in Corruption, Peter Graeff 4. Corruption Trends, Christian Bjørnskov and Martin Paldam5. Trust and Corruption, Eric M. Uslaner 6. Self-Enforcing Corruption: Information Transmission and Organizational Response, Lambros Pechlivanos 7. The Use of Intermediaries and Other Alternatives to Bribery, John Bray 8. Corrupt Relational Contracting, Johann Graf Lambsdorff and Sitki Utku Teksoz 9. The Governance Mechanisms of Corrupt Transactions, Donatella della Porta and Alberto Vannucci 10. Private Ordering of Corrupt Transactions: The Case of the Chinese Guanxi-Networks and their Challenge by a Formal Legal System, Matthias Schramm and Markus Taube 11. Inefficient Propery Rights and Corruption: The Case of Accounting Fraud in China, Sonja Opper 12. Corruption in International Trade - Pleading for a Responsible WTO, Peter Eigen 13. The Case of Corruption in Nigeria - Soji Apampa

Additional information

The New Institutional Economics of Corruption by Johann Graf Lambsdorff
Taylor & Francis Ltd
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