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Stories from Shakespeare Geraldine McCaughrean

Stories from Shakespeare By Geraldine McCaughrean

Stories from Shakespeare by Geraldine McCaughrean

Condition - Very Good
Only 2 left


These stories are intended as a way of introducing Shakespeare to lower secondary students. The language provides a flavour of the plays yet remains accesssible to a wide ability range.

Stories from Shakespeare Summary

Stories from Shakespeare by Geraldine McCaughrean

Literature for life

Table of Contents

Romeo and Juliet Henry V Julius Caesar Twelfth Night Macbeth A Midsummer Night's Dream Hamlet Othello King Lear The Tempest

Additional information

Stories from Shakespeare by Geraldine McCaughrean
Used - Very Good
Pearson Education Limited
Book picture is for illustrative purposes only, actual binding, cover or edition may vary.
This is a used book - there is no escaping the fact it has been read by someone else and it will show signs of wear and previous use. Overall we expect it to be in very good condition, but if you are not entirely satisfied please get in touch with us

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