This is the Way to Amarillo: A Musical Odyssey Across the USA by George Miller
'And I can never, never, never, go home again...' The haunting lyrics of Gene Pitney's classic hit '24 Hours From Tulsa' will strike a chord with anyone who has ever claimed to know anything about music. 'Long distance information give me Memphis, Tennessee' will similarly bring on an attack of nostalgia to millions worldwide - and not just to Chuck Berry fans. Amarillo, Nutbush, Tucson - put them together with Phoenix, Tulsa, El Paso and what have you got? Yes, they all feature in famous songs. You've heard the songs but what do you know about the places, the people, the lyrics and the performers?Find out in this absorbing adventure tracing the roots of all those celebrated US name-place songs. Are the Eagles still standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona? Why would you want to catch the last train to Clarksville? Or take the choo-choo to Chattanooga? Will the sea winds still be blowing in Galveston? And is the Wichita lineman still on the line? For the answers to all of these questions and many more, join author George Miller in a compelling and entertaining journey across America in his mission to unearth the mysteries of US musical folklore as he encounters Voodoo in New Orleans, discovers the real Jojo's bar from the Beatles' classic Get Back, and finally reaches Amarillo; the place that, famously, Tony Christie and Peter Kay could not find!