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Wittypedia Des MacHale

Wittypedia By Des MacHale

Wittypedia by Des MacHale

Condition - Very Good
Only 3 left


Contains more than 5,000 quotations from various sorts of people from many eras. This title includes from the funniest phrases by famous comedians to the deepest philosophy from the greatest thinkers of all time, passing by some highly amusing and downright dumb celebrity observations.

Wittypedia Summary

Wittypedia by Des MacHale

This book contains more than 5,000 super quotations from all sorts of people from many eras. From the funniest phrases by famous comedians to the deepest philosophy from the greatest thinkers of all time, passing by some highly amusing and downright dumb celebrity observations, "Wittypedia" has it all: insults, declarations of love and other feelings, comments on others and general observations on the state of the world...

Wittypedia Reviews

"Des MacHale's Wit... unlike most books of humorous quotations, is actually funny (The Independent)"

About Des MacHale

Des MacHale is an Associate Professor at University College, Cork and the author of forty humour books. He has been collecting witty remarks for 30 years and his numerous books of funny quotations are a monument to his devotion - and great sense of humour. He is a regular delegate at humour conferences the world over. He lives in Cork, Ireland.

Table of Contents

With sections on Motherhood, Lovers, the Elderly, Art, Politics, Theatre, Literature, Lawyers and other Professions and many more, this book covers all the bases!

Additional information

Wittypedia by Des MacHale
Used - Very Good
Carlton Books Ltd
Book picture is for illustrative purposes only, actual binding, cover or edition may vary.
This is a used book - there is no escaping the fact it has been read by someone else and it will show signs of wear and previous use. Overall we expect it to be in very good condition, but if you are not entirely satisfied please get in touch with us

Customer Reviews - Wittypedia