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Wit Rides Again Des MacHale

Wit Rides Again By Des MacHale

Wit Rides Again by Des MacHale

Condition - Well Read
Only 1 left


Des MacHale, lifetime collector of funny remarks and devastating repartee brings another selection. All the entries are organised by theme so the reader can look for such subjects as media and films, sport, politics, love and marriage, sex, food and education.

Wit Rides Again Summary

Wit Rides Again by Des MacHale

The fifth volume in the best collection of witty remarks ever published, joins Wit, More Wit, Yet More Wit and Wit - the Last Laugh as the crowning glory in this magnificent compendium of short, sharp quips. The wonderful Des MacHale, Mathematics Professor at University College, Cork, and lifetime collector of funny remarks and devastating repartee, brings us another brilliant selection. Organised by theme, so all the quotations on medicine and doctors, for example, are together, and the same goes for media and films, sports, politics, love and marriage, sex, food, education and many other subjects. As well as brilliant quotes from classic humorists such as Oscar Wilde and Woody Allen, we have Noel Coward, Winston Churchill, Lenny Bruce, Rita Rudner, Groucho Marx, WC Fields, Spike Milligan etc, etc. Marriage - I was married by a judge, but should have asked for a jury. Groucho Marx; Nationalities - The French hate anything ugly. If they see an ugly animal, they eat it immediately. Jeremy Clarkson; Sport - The entire contents of the Manchester City trophy room have been stolen. Police are looking for a man carrying a light blue carpet. Bernard Manning

Wit Rides Again Reviews

Marriage - I was married by a judge, but should have asked for a jury. Groucho Marx; Nationalities - The French hate anything ugly. If they see an ugly animal, they eat it immediately. Jeremy Clarkson; Sport - The entire contents of the Manchester City trophy room have been stolen. Police are looking for a man carrying a light blue carpet. Bernard Manning

Additional information

Wit Rides Again by Des MacHale
Used - Well Read
Welbeck Publishing Group
Book picture is for illustrative purposes only, actual binding, cover or edition may vary.
This is a used book. We do our best to provide good quality books for you to read, but there is no escaping the fact that it has been owned and read by someone else previously. Therefore it will show signs of wear and may be an ex library book

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