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Theatre Uncut Dennis Kelly

Theatre Uncut By Dennis Kelly

Theatre Uncut by Dennis Kelly

Condition - Very Good
Only 3 left


A fantastic, innovative theatre revolution with lines so strong they almost started a riot, Theatre Uncut simply cannot be missed.

Theatre Uncut Summary

Theatre Uncut: A Response to the Countrywide Spending Cuts by Dennis Kelly

Across the UK thousands of people are involved in protests and debates, sparked into action by the largest cuts to publicspending since WWII - cuts which are the turning point of a generation, undermining the welfare state, higher education and the arts in one fell swoop. Theatre Uncut is a national theatre event in response to these cuts, bringing together some of the UK's leading dramatists. Drama groups, universities, youth clubs and theatre companies nationwide joined the event, staging their own versions of the shorts in a national theatrical uprising. Now published in this new collection, Theatre Uncut contains these short plays, addressing audiences who want to think about what the budget cuts really mean, and who they are really hitting. A debate is underway. Protest might begin, minds might be changed, views challenged, ideas formed. Theatre Uncut is a response to a situation that we cannot control, and over which we had no say. Click below to hear an interview with Libby Brodie and Hannah Price of Theatre Uncut:

About Dennis Kelly

Plays by: Clara Brennan, David Greig, Dennis Kelly, Lucy Kirkwood, Laura Lomas, Anders Lustgarten, Mark Ravenhill and Jack Thorne

Additional information

Theatre Uncut: A Response to the Countrywide Spending Cuts by Dennis Kelly
Used - Very Good
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Book picture is for illustrative purposes only, actual binding, cover or edition may vary.
This is a used book - there is no escaping the fact it has been read by someone else and it will show signs of wear and previous use. Overall we expect it to be in very good condition, but if you are not entirely satisfied please get in touch with us

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