I Work In A Supermarket by Claire Hibbert
Just the Job is an innovative new series with a twofold aim. Firstly, the books are accessible and informative resources, looking at the working lives of various members of the community. Secondly, they present much needed careers information for intellectually challenged school-leavers who may be wondering what choices might be open to them. Each book follows a person through their daily work, looking at each of the tasks involved, and presents the qualifications and qualities necessary for anyone who wants to take up that particular career. The books also examine the jobs done by the various people the subject comes into contact with during the course of his or her work. Information is presented in an colouful magazine-style format, designed to attract older readers. The main text gives the narrative of the subject's day, while pull-out boxes give additional information about colleagues and offer fact-file-style quick reference notes about particular aspects of the work. The final page tells you how to find out more about your chosen career.