The Radiology Survival Guide: for Students and Junior Doctors by Chris Cook
Medical finals and postgraduate examinations always concentrate the minds of medical students and junior doctors alike. This book is intended to be a self-test book before such examinations but also to act as a radiology textbook to cover common radiological topics to the depth required to SpR level. It is designed to be user-friendly and easily accessible as a quick reference text and clearly sets out what 'you need to really need to know' in radiology. The richness of X-ray reproduction in this textbook with individual reports of each radiograph and background, cross reference and other general medical and surgical information will make this textbook a classic for medical students and junior doctors across the country. There are seven basic sections to this text. These are: The chest X-ray; The abdominal X-ray; Musculoskeletal radiology; Imaging of the urinary tract and in particular the IUV; Ultrasound/computed tomography; CT of the brain; and Interventional radiology. The beginning of each chapter offers a scheme for interpretation of the examination.The remainder of each chapter is then a series of cases with interpretation and radiological/pathological background of each case in turn.