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Longman Guide to Sources In Contemporary British History, The. 2 Chris Cook

Longman Guide to Sources In Contemporary British History, The. 2 By Chris Cook

Longman Guide to Sources In Contemporary British History, The. 2 by Chris Cook

Condition - Very Good
Only 1 left


This is the second of two volumes which sets out the results of a survey of contemporary British archives since 1945. This volume describes archives (and careers) of more than 1000 individuals involved in British politics and public life after 1945.

Longman Guide to Sources In Contemporary British History, The. 2 Summary

Longman Guide to Sources In Contemporary British History, The. 2: Individuals by Chris Cook

Based on the work of the Economic and Social Research Council at the London School of Economics, this volume deals with the private papers of prominent individuals who have been active and influencial in British politics and public life since 1945. It represents a compact guide to the surviving papers of over 1200 individuals, including people active in the history of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. These include cabinet ministers, senior politicians, colonial governors and military commanders, trade unionists and industrialists, economists and social scientists, and a wealth of campaigners for individual cases. Key features include: entries in alphabetical order, providing a brief account of the particular career; a survey of the records which survive and notes on their location and availability. It concentrates on papers that have been deposited, or if still in private hands, where custodians are willing to facilitate the needs of researchers.

Table of Contents

A guide to the archives of selected individuals. Appendices: Britain and the world; domestic politics and society.

Additional information

Longman Guide to Sources In Contemporary British History, The. 2: Individuals by Chris Cook
Used - Very Good
Pearson Education Limited
Book picture is for illustrative purposes only, actual binding, cover or edition may vary.
This is a used book - there is no escaping the fact it has been read by someone else and it will show signs of wear and previous use. Overall we expect it to be in very good condition, but if you are not entirely satisfied please get in touch with us

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