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The Future of Social Security Policy Ailsa McKay

The Future of Social Security Policy By Ailsa McKay

The Future of Social Security Policy by Ailsa McKay

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Debates on social security provision have raised the issue of a citizen's basic income (CBI) as a possible reform package. McKay's book makes a positive contribution to CBI literature by examining the proposal from a feminist economics perspective.

The Future of Social Security Policy Summary

The Future of Social Security Policy: Women, Work and A Citizens Basic Income by Ailsa McKay

Current debates concerning the future of social security provision in advanced capitalist states have raised the issue of a citizens basic income (CBI) as a possible reform package: a proposal based on the principles of individuality, universality and unconditionality which would ensure a minimum income guaranteed for all members of society. Implementing a CBI, would consequently entail radical reform of existing patterns of welfare delivery and would bring into question the institutionalized relationship between work and welfare.

Ailsa McKays book makes a unique and positive contribution to the CBI literature by examining the proposal from a feminist economics perspective. Gender concerns are central to any debate on the future of social security policy, in that state intervention in the field of income redistribution has differential impacts on men and women. By drawing attention to the potential a CBI has in promoting equal rights of freedom for men and women this book serves to open up the debate to incorporate a more realistic and inclusive vision of the nature of modern socio-economic relationships.

The Future of Social Security Policy Reviews

'The overall purpose is to draw attention to the confining nature of mainstream economic theo-rizing in the policy process and to outline how a feminist economic perspective could contribute to the development of a more inclusive and realistic understanding of state welfare arrangements.' - International Social Security Review

'The main subject is an exploration of the Citizens Basic Income (CBI) proposal and how it presents an opportunity to reshape the future of social security provision in advanced capitalist States.' - International Social Security Review

'McKay provides an excellent overview of the gender bias ofcontemporary social security policy and a challenge to incorporate a feministperspective into reform proposals that basic income advocates, as well as advocates of other approaches, would do well to meet.'

'The Future of Social Security Policy is a welcome addition to the basic incomedebate. Ailsa McKay, an economist at Glasgow Caledonian University, advancesa feminist critique of the neoclassical economic framework in which socialsecurity policies are traditionally assessed. Her book argues that this frameworkis biased in a way that prioritizes income-maintenance aspects of social securitypolicy above all others; as a consequence, programs are designed with the needs, behavior, and incentives of male breadwinners in mind. This approach marginalizes the experiences of other citizens, particularly women, and exacerbates gender inequalities.'

- Basic Income Studies Vol. 1 [2006], No. 2, Article 13

'The overall purpose is to draw attention to the confining nature of mainstream economic theo-rizing in the policy process and to outline how a feminist economic perspective could contribute to the development of a more inclusive and realistic understanding of state welfare arrangements.' - International Social Security Review

'The main subject is an exploration of the Citizens Basic Income (CBI) proposal and how it presents an opportunity to reshape the future of social security provision in advanced capitalist States.' - International Social Security Review

' McKay provides an excellent overview of the gender bias of contemporary social security policy and a challenge to incorporate a feminist perspective into reform proposals that basic income advocates, as well as advocates of other approaches, would do well to meet.' Basic Income Studies

About Ailsa McKay

Ailsa McKay is Senior Lecturer in Economics at Glasgow Caledonian University

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements Glossary 1. Introduction: Social Security Reform A Possible Strategy 2. Justifying Income Transfers 3. Social Security or Income Maintenance Policy? A Question of Definitions 4. Basic Income or Basic Income Maintenance A Micro Approach to Policy 5. Why a Citizens Basic Income?: The Story So Far 6. Arguing for a Universal Income Guarantee -The Reformist Case 7. Arguing for a CBI - A Radical Policy Response? 8. Commodification vs Non-Commodification - A Feminist Economics Perspective in Support of a Citizens Basic Income 9. Conclusion - The Way Forward? Agenda Bibliography

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The Future of Social Security Policy: Women, Work and A Citizens Basic Income by Ailsa McKay
Taylor & Francis Ltd
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