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Paradise Now William Middleton

Paradise Now von William Middleton

Paradise Now William Middleton

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Paradise Now Zusammenfassung

Paradise Now: The Extraordinary Life of Karl Lagerfeld William Middleton

Karl Lagerfeld, Chanel's iconic Creative Director for thirty-five years, was a cultural luminary like no other. Larger than life, Lagerfeld was legendary not only for reinventing Chanel but also for his idiosyncratic personal style and captivating life, which featured a cast of the world's most famous, fabulous and fascinating people. Not least his cat, Choupette, who herself became a fashion icon.

Journalist and author William Middleton spent years working in Paris for Women's Wear Daily, W, and Harper's Bazaar. During his time there, he interviewed and socialized with Lagerfeld, coming to to see a side the elusive designer kept private from the world.

In this deliciously entertaining book, Middleton takes us inside the most exclusive rooms in the fashion industry, behind the catwalk, and into a world of brilliantly talented artists, stylish socialites, and famous stars-some of the most elusive and unforgettable figures of fashion's inner circle for the past four decades.

Über William Middleton

William Middleton is a journalist and editor who has worked in New York and Paris. He has been the Fashion Features Director for Harper's Bazaar and the Paris Bureau Chief for Fairchild Publications, overseeing W Magazine and Women's Wear Daily. He has written for The New York Times, The New York Times Magazine, Vogue, House & Garden, Esquire, Texas Monthly, Travel & Leisure, Departures, and the International Herald Tribune.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Paradise Now: The Extraordinary Life of Karl Lagerfeld William Middleton
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Ebury Publishing
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