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The Two-Character Play Tennessee Williams

The Two-Character Play von Tennessee Williams

The Two-Character Play Tennessee Williams

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A classic play by Tennessee Williams in a definitive, author-approved edition.

The Two-Character Play Zusammenfassung

The Two-Character Play Tennessee Williams

Reality and fantasy are interwoven with terrifying power as two actors on tour-brother and sister-find themselves deserted by the trope in a decrepit state theatre in an unknown state. Faced (perhaps) by an audience expecting a performance, they enact The Two-Character Play-an illusions within an illusion, and out cry from isolation, panic and fear. I think it is my most beautiful play since Streetcar, Tennessee Williams said, and I've never stopped working on it....It is a cri de coeur, but then all creative work,all life, in a sense is a cri de coeur.

In the course of its evolution, several earlier versions of The Two-Character Play have been produced. The first of them was presented in 1967 in London and Chicago and brought out in 1969 by New Directions in a signed limited edition. The next, staged in 1973 in New York under the title Out Cry, was published by New Directions in 1973 The third version (New York, 1975), again titled The Two-Character Play, is the one Tennessee Williams wished to include in New Directions' The Theatre of Tennessee Williams series. It is this version which is presented in this ND paperback.

Über Tennessee Williams

Tennessee Williams (1911-1983) was America's most influential playwright. Readers have devoured his poetry, essays, short stories, and letters, as well as his fantastic late plays, his remarkable corpus of one-acts, and his greatest plays-The Glass Menagerie, A Streetcar Named Desire, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The Night of the Iguana, The Rose Tattoo, Suddenly Last Summer, and Camino Real. Williams is a cornerstone of New Directions-we publish everything he wrote. He is also our single bestselling author.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Two-Character Play Tennessee Williams
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
New Directions Publishing Corporation
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