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Something Cloudy, Something Clear Tennessee Williams

Something Cloudy, Something Clear von Tennessee Williams

Something Cloudy, Something Clear Tennessee Williams

Zustand - Sehr Gut
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Set in Provincetown, Cape Cod, in 1940, Kip is a character on the verge of adulthood learning about love, his sexuality and the poetry that breathes within him. The play echoes Williams' own experiences during that pivotal summer when I was on the brink of growing up.

Something Cloudy, Something Clear Zusammenfassung

Something Cloudy, Something Clear Tennessee Williams

Tennessee Williams is one of the finest dramatists of the 20th century; his plays are produced around the world Never before published outside America, Something Cloudy, Something Clear is, by Tennessee Williams' own admission one of the most personal plays I've ever written. Set in Provincetown, Cape Cod, in 1940, the play records Williams' experiences during that pivotal summer when I took sort of a crash course in growing up. Eve Adamson, the original director of the play said of it: Two times, two selves, two sensibilities exist simultaneously in August [the central character]. But also, hovering around and permeating the entire dramatic poem, is the double exposure of Tennessee Williams: the artist and his art, the man and his theatrical persona...time stopped and time flowing.

Über Tennessee Williams

Tennessee Williams (1911-1983) is widely regarded as one of the 20th century's most important writers, and was also one of its most successful and prolific. His classic works include Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Glass Menagerie, Summer and Smoke, Camino Real, Sweet Bird of Youth, Night of the Iguana, Orpheus Descending, and The Rose Tattoo.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Something Cloudy, Something Clear Tennessee Williams
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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