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Brain Academy: Maths Challenges Mission File 2 Steph King

Brain Academy: Maths Challenges Mission File 2 von Steph King

Brain Academy: Maths Challenges Mission File 2 Steph King

Zustand - Sehr Gut
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The Brain Academy Maths Challenges series has been designed to extend, inspire and challenge more able children.

Brain Academy: Maths Challenges Mission File 2 Zusammenfassung

Brain Academy: Maths Challenges Mission File 2 Steph King

Brain Academy includes 18 multi-stage problem-solving activities focuses on problem solving and reasoning, developing thinking, collaboration and communication skills. This brand new range of challenges will encourage your pupils to explore topics from the new Programme of Study for mathematics in hilarious contexts, applying their skills and consolidating and extending their learning as they help the Brain Academy team of agents complete their missions.

Über Steph King

Steph King is a mathematics education adviser and established author with over 25 years' experience in primary education, including senior leadership, subject leadership and ten years as a mathematics adviser for a local authority, before working independently. Steph is an NCETM Professional Development Accredited Lead and writes and presents CPD for schools. She has taken part in numerous national events for organisations including NACE, Rising Stars UK and UKLA. Steph is an author for publishers Rising Stars UK, Hodder Education, Harper Collins and Keen Kite.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Brain Academy: Maths Challenges Mission File 2 Steph King
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
Rising Stars UK Ltd
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