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Foreign Correspondent Peter Lennon

Foreign Correspondent von Peter Lennon

Foreign Correspondent Peter Lennon

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Disenchanted with his native Ireland, Peter Lennon, a novice journalist in the late 1950s, borrowed #30.00 and headed for Paris to take his chances as a foreign correspondent. The book is his travelogue in time through Paris and is a personal, witty account of events and people.

Foreign Correspondent Zusammenfassung

Foreign Correspondent: Travels in Paris in the Sixties Peter Lennon

Disenchanted with his native Ireland Peter Lennon, a novice journalist in the late 1950s, borrowed thirty pounds and headed for Paris to take his chances as a foreign correspondent. The book is his travelogue in time through Paris. It is a personal, worldly and witty account of the events and people - celebrated and obscure - who crossed his path during that most momentous and exciting decade in the city's history. Salvador Dali and Jacques Tati, brutal policemen and corrupt waiters. Algerian terrorists and eccentric landladies - all are subject to Lennon's scrutiny, but perhaps his greatest insights are into Samuel Beckett, whose friendship with Lennon allowed the young journalist unique glimpses into Beckett's character and outlook.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Foreign Correspondent: Travels in Paris in the Sixties Peter Lennon
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Pan Macmillan
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Das Buch wurde gelesen, ist aber in gutem Zustand. Alle Seiten sind intakt, der Einband ist unversehrt. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren am Buchrücken. Das Buch wurde gelesen, sieht jedoch noch wie neu aus. Der Bucheinband weist keine sichtbaren Gebrauchsspuren auf. Gegebenenfalls ist auch ein Schutzumschlag verfügbar. Keine fehlenden oder beschädigten Seiten, keine Risse, eventuell minimale Knicke, keine unterstrichenen oder markierten Textstellen, keine beschrifteten Ränder.