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A Portrait of Dublin in Maps Muiris De Buitleir

A Portrait of Dublin in Maps von Muiris De Buitleir

A Portrait of Dublin in Maps Muiris De Buitleir

Zustand - Sehr Gut
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A Portrait of Dublin in Maps is a unique piece of work. Most countries produce large, comprehensive national atlases, but no similar atlas has been produced for any major city.

A Portrait of Dublin in Maps Zusammenfassung

A Portrait of Dublin in Maps: History, Geography, People, Society Muiris De Buitleir

Shortlisted as the Best Irish-Published Book of the Year at the 2013 Bord Gais Energy Irish Book Awards

A Portrait of Dublin in Maps is a unique piece of work. Most countries produce large, comprehensive national atlases, but no similar atlas has been produced for any major city.

Each map covers a single view of the whole city at a relatively small scale, covering a single theme or subject, so that patterns and interrelationships can be appreciated and the structure and working of the city can be better understood.

The atlas deals with intangible things, such as social class, economic status, politics and religion, and also hidden things, such as the city's geology, drainage, water and electricity supply. It also deals with the past, providing a comprehensible picture of how Dublin developed over time.

The internet provides access to a massive amount of information relating to the city of Dublin, but most of it is diffuse and difficult to locate, handle and compare. By contrast, this atlas contains between its covers a vast array of information which is clear and whose parts are directly comparable because of the standard form and scale of each map and the comprehensive range of themes covered.

This ground-breaking book will delight native Dubliners and visitors to the city alike. Every major city in Europe should have one.

Über Muiris De Buitleir

Muiris de Buitleir has lived in Dublin all his life. Although he originally studied architecture at the Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton Street, he found that his true interest lay with surveying and maps. He holds a master's degree in geographical information systems and is currently president of the Irish Institution of Surveyors. Now retired, he was a surveyor and cartographer with the Office of Public Works and subsequently geographical information systems manager with Duchas-the Heritage Service and the Department of the Environment. This book is the culmination of his interest in maps and his love of Dublin.

Zusätzliche Informationen

A Portrait of Dublin in Maps: History, Geography, People, Society Muiris De Buitleir
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
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Dies ist ein gebrauchtes Buch. Es wurde schon einmal gelesen und weist von der früheren Nutzung Gebrauchsspuren auf. Wir gehen davon aus, dass es im Großen und Ganzen in einem sehr guten Zustand ist. Sollten Sie jedoch nicht vollständig zufrieden sein, setzen Sie sich bitte mit uns in Verbindung.