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No Breathing in Class Michael Rosen

No Breathing in Class von Michael Rosen

No Breathing in Class Michael Rosen

Zustand - Sehr Gut
7 auf Lager


A collection of poems about school and friends.

No Breathing in Class Zusammenfassung

No Breathing in Class Michael Rosen

A collection of poems about school and friends - some familiar favourites and some brand new poems to excite young readers. Michael Rosen's humorous insights into children's lives make this a wonderfully accessible collection, with full colour illustrations by the irrepressible Korky Paul.

Über Michael Rosen

Michael Rosen is one of the best known figures, not only in the children's book world but also the British arts scene. His first book of children's poems was published in 1974, and he has gone on to write numerous and award-winning children's books such as Quick, Let's get Out of Here, We're Going on a Bear Hunt and Chocolate Cake. Alongside this he performs, teaches, lectures, presents Word of Mouth on BBC Radio 4 and reviews books for the Guardian. He was Children's Laureate from 2007 to 2009, and founded the Roald Dahl Funny Prize in 2008 as part of his laureateship to honour books that make children laugh!

Zusätzliche Informationen

No Breathing in Class Michael Rosen
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
Penguin Books Ltd
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