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No Limits Michael Phelps

No Limits von Michael Phelps

No Limits Michael Phelps

Zustand - Sehr Gut
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Fresh from his triumphant and extraordinary achievement at the Olympic Games in Beijing, Michael Phelps shows us the secrets to his remarkable success

No Limits Zusammenfassung

No Limits: The Will to Succeed Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps is one of the greatest competitors the world has ever seen. From teen sensation in Sydney, to bona fide phenomenon in Athens, he is now - after the Beijing Games - a living Olympic legend. With an unprecedented eight gold medals and seven world-record times, his performance at the 2008 Games set a new standard for success. He ranks among the most elite athletes in the world, and is both an inspiration and a role model to millions. In No Limits, Phelps reveals the secrets to his remarkable success, from his training regimen to his mental preparation and, finally, to his performance in the pool. Having been raised by a single mother and diagnosed with ADHD, Phelps's success is imbued with defeating obstacles and earning one's way and No Limits explores the hard work, commitment, and sacrifice that go into reaching any goal. Filled with anecdotes from family members, friends, team mates, and his coach, No Limits gives a behind-the-scenes look at the makings of a real champion, and reveals a step-by-step guide to realizing one's dream.

Über Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps is an American swimmer. He holds the record for winning the most gold medals (8) in a single Olympics (2008). He has won 16 Olympic medals, 14 gold and two bronze. He holds seven world records and has over 20 World Championship medals. After returning home from Beijing in 2008, Michael used the well-publicized $1 million dollar Speedo bonus to start the Michael Phelps Foundation through which he hopes to encourage children to lead healthy, active lives, and to continue to grow the sport of swimming. He now resides in Baltimore, MD with his dog Herman. Alan Abrahamson is an award-winning sportswriter and a recognized authority on the Olympics. In 2006, he left the Los Angeles Times, where he had been a staff writer for 17 years, to write for the NBC suite of online properties, which now includes NBCOlympics.com, NBCSports.com and UniversalSports.com. Since 2003, Alan has also served as a sports and Olympic analyst on NBC's television networks. Among other honors, Alan won the 2002 National Headliner Award for sports writing and was named the Los Angeles Press Club's 2004 sports journalist of the year. Alan and his wife, Laura, and their three children live in Southern California.

Zusätzliche Informationen

No Limits: The Will to Succeed Michael Phelps
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
Simon & Schuster Ltd
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