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Proust's Overcoat Lorenza Foschini

Proust's Overcoat von Lorenza Foschini

Proust's Overcoat Lorenza Foschini

Zustand - Sehr Gut
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Part literary mystery, part biography, part curiosity, here is the short, charming (and true) story of one man's obsession with Marcel Proust, and his decades-long quest to collect everything that once belonged to the writer - right down to his overcoat

Proust's Overcoat Zusammenfassung

Proust's Overcoat: The True Story of One Man's Passion for All Things Proust Lorenza Foschini

The story of the overcoat began with a chance meeting - between an obsessive book collector, Jacques Guerin, and his physician, Dr Robert Proust, brother of the late writer. Guerin immediately glimpsed the possibility of acquiring the novelist's personal effects, but it would be decades before he finally came to possess the relic he had most coveted: Proust's moth-eaten otter-lined overcoat...

Proust's Overcoat Bewertungen

"This book is just my style. In the spirit of La Boh?me, a brilliant aria to the coat."--Patti Smith

Über Lorenza Foschini

LORENZA FOSCHINI is an Italian journalist, writer and television news anchorwoman, and a former Vatican correspondent. She is the author of Investigation at Millennium's End (Rizzoli), which won the Prix Scanno. Born in Naples, she lives in Rome.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Proust's Overcoat: The True Story of One Man's Passion for All Things Proust Lorenza Foschini
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
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