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Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: With Artwork by Yayoi Kusama Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: With Artwork by Yayoi Kusama von Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: With Artwork by Yayoi Kusama Lewis Carroll

Zustand - Sehr Gut
6 auf Lager


Since childhood, Kusama has been afflicted with a condition that makes her see spots, which means she sees the world in a surreal, almost hallucinogenic way that sits very well with the Wonderland of Alice.

Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: With Artwork by Yayoi Kusama Zusammenfassung

Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: With Artwork by Yayoi Kusama Lewis Carroll

Since childhood, Kusama has been afflicted with a condition that makes her see spots, which means she sees the world in a surreal, almost hallucinogenic way that sits very well with the Wonderland of Alice. She is fascinated by childhood and the way adults have the ability, at their most creative, to see things the way children do, a central concern of the Alice books.

The classic book is colour illustrated with a clothbound jacket, and produced to very high specification. Kusama's images are interspersed throughout the text.

Produced in collaboration with the Kusama Studio, Tokyo and Gagosian Gallery.

Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: With Artwork by Yayoi Kusama Bewertungen

A breathtaking piece of visual philosophy to complement Carroll's timeless vision...a striking contender for the most visually captivating take on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland yet.

Yayoi Kusama's visionary take on Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland...shows how no matter how old you are, childhood never has to end.
-Huffington Post

A charming little book...this is pretty much the perfect pairing.

Über Lewis Carroll

Yayoi Kusama was born in Matsumoto City, Japan in 1929. Her work is in the collections of leading museums throughout the world including the Museum of Modern Art, New York; LACMA, Los Angeles; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; Tate Modern, London; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Centre Pompidou, Paris; and the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. Major exhibitions of her work have appeared in many of the world's most celebrated museums. Kusama lives and works in Tokyo, Japan.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: With Artwork by Yayoi Kusama Lewis Carroll
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
Gebundene Ausgabe
Penguin Books Ltd
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