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Pack My Bag Henry Green

Pack My Bag von Henry Green

Pack My Bag Henry Green

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Henry Green wrote his autobiography in 1940, aged only thirty-five, because he was convinced he wouldn't survive the war.

Pack My Bag Zusammenfassung

Pack My Bag Henry Green

Henry Green wrote his autobiography in 1940, aged only thirty-five, because he was convinced he wouldn't survive the war. The result is a delightfully wayward and incisive portrait of English society and of the man himself. From reminiscences of a childhood spent among the gentry, to searing descriptions of Eton and Oxford, to reflections on the author's first experiments with prose and with sex, all Green's unique talents as a writer are on offer here, at their most dazzling and accessible.

Pack My Bag Bewertungen

Shines with the same marvellous originality, intuition, sensuality and finish as his novels -- John Updike
Green's works live on with ever-brightening intensity * Wall Street Journal *
Green's books are solid and glittering as gems -- Anthony Burgess

Über Henry Green

Henry Green was the pen name of Henry Vincent Yorke. Born in 1905 near Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, England, he was educated at Eton and Oxford and went on to become managing director of an engineering business, writing novels in his spare time. His first novel, Blindness (1926) was written whilst he was still at school and published whilst he was at Oxford. He married in 1929 and had one son, and during the Second World War served in the London Fire Brigade. Between 1926 and 1952 he wrote nine novels, Blindness, Living, Party Going, Caught, Loving, Back, Concluding, Nothing and Doting, and a memoir, Pack My Bag. Henry Green died in December 1973

Zusätzliche Informationen

Pack My Bag Henry Green
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
Vintage Publishing
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