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Queen Victoria Christopher Hibbert

Queen Victoria von Christopher Hibbert

Queen Victoria Christopher Hibbert

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Christopher Hibbert's biography deals with all aspects of Queen Victoria's life, personality and times, her relations with her large and widespread family, her "wicked uncles" and their wives and mistresses, and with the politicians, prime ministers and foreign statesmen and monarchs of her day.

Queen Victoria Zusammenfassung

Queen Victoria: A Personal History Christopher Hibbert

In 1837, Victoria came to the throne at the age of 18, a pretty girl, not five feet tall, to preside over what was, perhaps, the most momentous period in British history. During the 64 years of her reign, she saw thrones fall, empires crumble, new continents explored and mapped, while her own country became the most powerful, richest and most highly developed nation in the world. Christopher Hibbert's biography deals with all aspects of the Queen's life, personality and times, her relations with her large and widespread family, her "wicked uncles" and their wives and mistresses, and with the politicians, prime ministers and foreign statesmen and monarchs of her day - from her opinionated grandson, the Kaiser, to the Emperor Napoleon III with whom she fell rather in love. The book describes her married life and her failings as a mother, her love of food and gossip, her strange relationships with her Indian and Scottish servants, and her influence on the manners, morals and outlook of the age to which she gave her name.

Über Christopher Hibbert

Christopher Hibbert was educated at Radley and Oriel College, Oxford. He served as an infantry officer during the war, was twice wounded and was awarded the MC in 1945. His books include The Destruction of Lord Raglan (which won the Heinemann Award for Literature in 1962); biographies of Mussolini, Garibaldi and Elizabeth I; Venice: The Biography of a City; The English: A Social History 1066--1945; Cavaliers and Roundheads; Nelson: A Personal History; and Wellington: A Personal History (HC 1997 hdbk & 1998 pbk).

Zusätzliche Informationen

Queen Victoria: A Personal History Christopher Hibbert
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
HarperCollins Publishers
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