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Arnhem Christopher Hibbert

Arnhem von Christopher Hibbert

Arnhem Christopher Hibbert

Zustand - Sehr Gut
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This is the vivid account of how a brilliant plan turned into an epic tragedy.

Arnhem Zusammenfassung

Arnhem Christopher Hibbert

This is the vivid account of how a brilliant plan turned into an epic tragedy.

This book tells the true story of the Battle of Arnhem which was fought in September 1944.

Nine thousand men of the First British Airborne Division were parachuted into the peaceful countryside that surrounded Arnhem. Their objective was to capture and hold the bridge over the Rhine ahead of the advancing British Second Army. Nine days later, after some of the fiercest street-fighting of the war, 2000 paratroopers managed to escape to safety.

'Finely recorded...truly the battle of Arnhem has been fortunate in its historian' Sunday Times

Arnhem Bewertungen

Finely recorded...truly the battle of Arnhem has been fortunate in its historian * SUNDAY TIMES *
Alive with the detail that evokes the smoking background * DAILY TELEGRAPH *
Perhaps the most gifted popular historian we have * TES *
Clear-sighted, well-written and scrupulously fair ... it deserves to stand with the best of the battle chronicles * SUNDAY TELEGRAPH *

Über Christopher Hibbert

Christopher Hibbert was educated at Radley and Oxford. He served as an infantry officer during the war, was twice wounded and was awarded the Military Cross in 1945. Described by Professor J.H. Plumb as a writer of the highest ability, he is, in the words of The Times Educational Supplement 'perhaps the most gifted popular historian we have'. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and an Hon. D. Litt of Leicester University.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Arnhem Christopher Hibbert
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
Orion Publishing Co
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