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Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge Annie Bullen

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge von Annie Bullen

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge Annie Bullen

Zustand - Sehr Gut
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This superbly illustrated souvenir guide follows Catherine's happy childhood and prestigious education to her romance with Prince William and beyond. Catherine, beautiful and with a natural charm, easy manner and kind nature, has won hearts in Britain and around the world. This is her story.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge Zusammenfassung

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge Annie Bullen

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge embarked on a new life when she married Prince William, Duke of Cambridge in April 2011. Now she is the wife and mother of future kings: her husband and her son, Prince George, born in July 2013. She has proved herself more than equal to the demanding life of a member of the Royal Family and has won the hearts of the British people.

This superbly illustrated souvenir guide follows her happy childhood and prestigious education to her romance with Prince William and beyond. Catherine, beautiful and with a natural charm, easy manner and kind nature, has won hearts in Britain and around the world. This is her story.

Über Annie Bullen

Annie Bullen is a writer and journalist, and author of several guides to National Trust properties and Pitkin city guides. Bullen published her first novel, Air and Angels, in 1987, and since then has become an expert on royal history. Alongside her many books on the British royal family, Bullen also publishes guides to major British cities, and contributes articles to leading gardening magazines.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge Annie Bullen
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
Pavilion Books
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