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Desert Vet Alex Tinson

Desert Vet von Alex Tinson

Desert Vet Alex Tinson

Zustand - Sehr Gut
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From the lush and leafy suburbs to the deserts of the United Arab Emirates, the extraordinary story of a most unusual vet.

Desert Vet Zusammenfassung

Desert Vet: How a City Boy Became a Bedouin Nomad and Spent Thirty Years Caring for a Menagerie of Camels and Other Exotic Creatures Alex Tinson

When Sydney-born vet Alex Tinson was literally plucked from the Australian outback to become chief vet in charge of the United Arab Emirates President's racing camels, he was given one mission: to make the President's camels the best in the UAE and, indeed, all of Arabia. Thirty years later he is still there, having become the world's leading camel vet while caring for a menagerie of unusual animals along the way.

But this is more than a story about camels and monkeys, spiders and snakes, and all sorts of other exotic creatures. It is also about crossing boundaries of race and religion to create a life full of possibility, of being introduced to the reclusive world of the Gulf Royal families and of sharing the rich lives of Alex's Bedouin family and friends.

Warm and generous, intriguing and compelling, The Desert Vet takes us to a place few have entered before.

Desert Vet Bewertungen

A compelling read * Sydney Morning Herald *

Über Alex Tinson

Alex Tinson has lived and worked in the United Arab Emirates as a vet for nearly thirty years.

David Hardaker is a former ABC Middle East correspondent and Walkley Award-winning journalist. He has lived and worked for many years in the Arab world and speaks Arabic.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Desert Vet: How a City Boy Became a Bedouin Nomad and Spent Thirty Years Caring for a Menagerie of Camels and Other Exotic Creatures Alex Tinson
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
Allen & Unwin
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