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The Bounty of Ceres Ian Potter

The Bounty of Ceres von Ian Potter

The Bounty of Ceres Ian Potter

Zustand - Wie Neu
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An audio adventure set in the early days of television's favourite, and longest running, Sci-Fi series DOCTOR WHO: THE EARLY ADVENTURES - THE BOUNTY OF CERES sets out to tell a story as if it were from the classic era of the series; a period of huge popularity but where many episodes now remain lost.

The Bounty of Ceres Zusammenfassung

The Bounty of Ceres Ian Potter

An audio adventure set in the early days of television's favourite, and longest running, Sci-Fi series DOCTOR WHO: THE EARLY ADVENTURES - THE BOUNTY OF CERES sets out to tell a story as if it were from the classic era of the series; a period of huge popularity but where many episodes now remain lost. Ceres. A tiny, unforgiving ball of ice and rock hanging between Mars and Jupiter. It's no place to live, and it takes a special kind of person to work there. The crew of the Cobalt Corporation mining base know exactly how deadly the world outside their complex is, but the danger isn't just outside anymore. The systems they rely on to keep them safe are failing and the planet is breaking in. When the TARDIS strands Steven, Vicki and the Doctor on the base, they have to fight a foe they can barely comprehend to survive.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Bounty of Ceres Ian Potter
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Big Finish Productions Ltd
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