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Bücher von Tony Groom

Author Tony Groom is fifty one. He lives in Portsmouth with his wife Marie and son Harvey. His hobbies are sailing and writing. He was in the navy for ten years, and his specialist job varied from bomb and mine disposal to attack swimmer and what is known in the trade as bottom-cleaner. This underwater day-job involved the recovery of crashed aircraft, bodies, and working alongside the SAS and SBS. Tony Groom served in the Falklands Conflict behind enemy lines, and worked on UXB's lodged inside British warships. Nowadays he takes on private contracts which employ his old skills, and tries to write every day. In 2 Deep is his first novel, and follows his highly successful memoir DIVER, which dealt with his time in the Falklands and deep sea saturation diving.
Diver von Tony Groom
DiverTony Groom
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In2Deep von Tony Groom
In2DeepTony Groom
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Diver von Tony Groom
DiverTony Groom
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