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Bücher von Tim Buxbaum

Tim Buxbaum is a chartered architect in private practice in Suffolk, where he lives with his wife Ruth and two sons. Much of his professional work is conservation-orientated, but he also designs new buildings. This Album stems from his interest in garden architecture, which is reflected in his other publications. Scottish Garden Buildings, from Food to Folly, and, for Shire Publications, Scottish Doocots, Pargeting and the Shire County Guide to Suffolk.
Pargeting von Tim Buxbaum
PargetingTim Buxbaum
Sehr Gut
Icehouses von Tim Buxbaum
IcehousesTim Buxbaum
Sehr Gut
Scottish Garden Buildings von Tim Buxbaum
Scottish Garden BuildingsTim Buxbaum
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Scottish Doocotes von Tim Buxbaum
Scottish DoocotesTim Buxbaum
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Icehouses von Tim Buxbaum
IcehousesTim Buxbaum
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Suffolk von Tim Buxbaum
SuffolkTim Buxbaum
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