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Bücher von Theodora F. Izzard

Theodora F. Izzard is a Twin Flame, writer and awakened intuitive soul. Theodora's spiritual awakening occurred shortly before she met her Twin Flame, just as she was beginning a conscious journey of self-love. Her Twin Flame helped Theodora understand the healing she needed to do so that, ultimately, she can return to a heart-centred way of life. Theodora knew the moment a stranger walked into a chip shop after her that he would play a significant role in her future - however, it took someone else to explain to her that he was her Twin Flame. Never having heard of Twin Flames before, she began to read up on them, and her knowledge of both Twin Flames and her true self grew hand in hand. Theodora lives in Kent with Burd the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and continues to work on her own self-love as the essential foundation for her personal Twin Flame journey, leading ultimately to becoming 1.

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